The History of MaxWash

The history of MaxWash began almost 40 years ago, when István Márton, the man who founded the company later, started the commerce of various paints and detergents. Initially, the products of the manufacturers on the market were sold. Over the years, it became increasingly clear to us that the range of paints available on the market is very wide. The sale of such product groups was rather dominant, which was significantly reflected in the figures. It also turned out that the product range in the detergent market was not wide enough, and some larger orders could not be delivered by the manufacturers.

At this point, we reached the firm decision to start manufacturing high-quality, high-efficiency, but low-priced liquid detergents.

Thus, more than a decade ago, the production of high-efficiency but low-priced liquid detergents was no longer just an idea but became our reality. Before starting the production, of course, it was a challenge to furnish the site, select the colleagues, enter the market and build the MaxWash brand. Our commitment and hard work soon bore fruit. Several types of liquid detergents were produced, and in addition, the product ranges of fabric softeners, dishwashing liquids and floor cleaners were quickly developed.

The basis for the continuous development is the basic need of the brand MaxWash to provide highly efficient and high-quality products at low prices to families and to ensure that the packaging of these products is practical.

A bottle full of liquid detergent should be easy to handle, easy to use and, due to its practical size, always easy to store. The products distributed today were developed with these aims in mind. The development and market research of our products is continuous, so that they cannot only serve the needs of the modern households, but also foresee such needs.

MaxWash is a 100% Hungarian family-owned company. We believe in expertise, in the excellent range of goods, and in quality service with added love.

Our goal is to serve our retail users and resellers who look for high quality and excellent value-for-money goods with our wide range of products at a high standard.

MaxWash – Cleanness with love
For more information, please read our Philosophy!